Urban Public Works in Spatial Equilibrium: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia. (with Clement Imbert, Girum Abebe and Carolina Mejia-Mantilla) (2024). American Economic Review 114(5).
Coverage: Voxdev summary. World Bank Blogs. AER Research Highlights. BREAD NYU.
Does Wealth Reduce Support for Redistribution? Evidence from an Ethiopian Housing Lottery. (2023) With Asbjørn G. Andersen, Tigabu Getahun, Andreas Kotsadam, Vincent Somville, and Espen Villanger. Journal of Public Economics 224.
Searching with Friends (with Stefano Caria and Marc Witte) (2023), Journal of Labor Economics 41(4).
Coverage: Voxdex.
Impacts of industrial and entrepreneurial jobs on youth: 5-year experimental evidence on factory job offers and cash grants in Ethiopia. (with Chris Blattman and Stefan Dercon) (2022). Journal of Development Economics (156).
Coverage: BFI Summary. The Economist.
Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City (with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, Marcel Fafchamps, Paolo Falco, and Simon Quinn) (2021). Review of Economic Studies 88 (3).
Coverage: voxdev, voxeu
Enabled to work: The impact of government housing on slum dwellers in South Africa (2020). Journal of Urban Economics 118.
Economic Shocks and Labour Market Flexibility (with Julien Labonne) (2019). Journal of Human Resources 54 (1) 171-199. Online Appendix.
Location, Search Costs and Youth Unemployment: Experimental Evidence from Transport Subsidies (2018). Economic Journal 128 (614), 2353-2379.
The demand for government housing: evidence from a lottery for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia.
Coverage: The Guardian.
Matching Frictions and Distorted Beliefs: Evidence from a Job Fair Experiment. (with Marcel Fafchamps, Girum Abebe, Simon Quinn, Stefano Caria, Forhad Shilpi, and Paolo Falco).
- Conditionally Accepted, Economic Journal.
Diversity, segregation and urban public goods: Evidence from randomly assigned public housing.
Urban density and labour markets: Evaluating slum redevelopment in Addis Ababa (with Gharad Bryan,Tigabu Getahun, and Sarah Winton).
Cost-effective panel data collection for Kampala (with Julia Bird, Gharad Bryan, and Astrid Haas)
Can infrastructure upgrades and new technologies improve road safety? Evidence from Ethiopia's Transport Systems Improvement Project (with Girija Borker, Nino Pkhikidze and Leonardo Viotti)
Long-run human capital effects from moves to public housing in Ethiopia. IGC Page.
Contracting frictions in slum upgrading in Egypt.
Ethiopia Urban Safety Net and Jobs Project Impact Evaluation (with Girum Abebe, Livia Alfonsi, and Christian Meyer).
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018.
(with Jonathan Ospina Betancurt and Silvia Camporesi)
Coverage: UN Human Rights: Special Rapporteur Report, The Guardian, BJSM Blog, The Guardian, The Seeker.